Matrix Screen Setup
Matrix-Display will make your Multi-Monitor life much easier! Arrange and Move Windows by Percentage or Pixel-Based. Make your desktop your Cockpit, arranging Windows-Apps has never been easier.
The Plugin enables active Windows to be distributed to all available Monitors (Screen-Setup) based on the window title and Processname with the position percentage.
Any number of matrix grid arrangements can be implemented via multi-actions and are always compatible with any monitor due to the percentage definition. The Expand option further refines the margin per window to allow for seamless positioning.
Multiple desktop setups can be created using the Stream Deck Multi-Action option, predefined grids and layouts allow for a variety of zones on all connected monitors.
The Windows Process Viewer Assistent helps you to determine the appropriate title caption.
Geared for power users, Trading Dashboards, Window splitting, Workflow optimization, and much more.
The Windows Detection option allows you to filter out small windows such as splash screens or unwanted program menus. The simulated window helps you to determine the right size.
Core Features
- Determine Active Window
- Determine Specific any Window
- Retries Wait Polling Counter
- Monitor ID Detection
- Window Process Title Helper
- Border Spacing
- Layout Presets Portfolio
- Realtime Icon Preview
- Dynamic Icon Color
- Splash-Screen Exclude Filter
- Simulation Window Helper
- Confirm Audio Sound
- Spotlight Mark/Highlight Window
Search *Like* Pattern
With the *Like* search pattern syntax (Case Non Sensitive), the determination of the window title can be easily implemented. Simply start the Process Title Helper Assistant and write a sub-string from the caption that always occurs into the plugin, e.g. *chrome*
? Any single character
* Asterix Zero or more characters
# Any single digit (0–9)
[charlist] Any single character in
[!charlist] Any single character not in
Code Signed